Top 6 Supplements for Muscle Growth

Growing muscles takes a lot of work. You need to train consistently and correctly, eat right, and stay focused. But once you manage to grow some, you can’t just stop or you’ll lose all the bulk you’ve worked hard for. 


Hence, sustaining an ideal level of fitness takes long-term discipline. But sometimes a little boost using muscle-building supplements can make all the difference. 


If you’re new to supplements for muscles or have used them before but would like to explore other options, this article will help you learn more about healthy muscle growth and the best types of supplements to use.


Let’s begin by understanding how muscles grow.


How Muscles Grow

When we use our muscles during workouts, their fibers eventually break. This minor injury is the soreness we feel during and after training, which is a sign that the muscles have indeed been put to work. 


As a response, the body will send satellite cells to fuse the fibers together — like an attempt to patch up the damage. This process is called muscular hypertrophy, and when done repeatedly, will increase muscle mass.


This increase in muscle size and strength is our body’s way of adapting to a higher workload. That’s why training routines should be progressively challenging for muscles to grow bigger.


Growth factor hormones also influence and regulate this complex process of building muscles. Other hormones like testosterone play a part too by enhancing amino acid uptake for protein synthesis to activate the growth process.  


muscle growth process
The muscle growth process through regular workouts and ample recovery time


Healthy Muscle Growth

Exercises are not enough for muscle growth. Since muscle-building is regulated by different hormones and compounds in the body, optimal nutrition is critical to fuel the process, especially during demanding routines. 


Muscle Nutrition

On top of staying hydrated when working out, maintaining a healthy diet with muscle-boosting nutrients will help you train more consistently. Here are the nutrients you need more of when building muscles:

  • Protein
  • Carbohydrates
  • Healthy fats
  • B vitamins
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Glutamine
  • Potassium
  • Iron


Best Food Sources

  • Chicken or turkey breast
  • Eggs
  • Tuna or salmon
  • Lean meat (beef, pork)
  • Greek yogurt
  • Beans (edamame, soybeans)
  • Quinoa or brown rice
  • Nuts


Foods To Avoid

  • Alcohol
  • Heavily processed foods
  • Refined carbohydrates
  • Greasy foods
  • Added sugars


While it’s ok to have these as treats once in a while, remember that they will slow down muscle building.



The Best Supplements for Muscle Growth

Training for resistance, strength, and endurance will use up a lot of your energy and nutrient stores. If you want to make sure you’re getting enough macro and micro nutrients aside from your diet, choose a supplement that can complement your lifestyle and diet. 

Consider these top supplements for muscle growth:


  • Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement 

Look for multivitamin and mineral supplements formulated for energy and bone and muscle health. This will usually include the ones listed above like B vitamins, iron, magnesium, calcium, and more.


Having sufficient vitamins and minerals will help you maintain good overall health while training and will aid in muscle recovery after your training sessions.


  • Proteins

Perhaps the most popular muscle-building supplement for the longest time, protein powders made from whey, soy, and casein are like a staple for anyone serious about growing muscles. Protein is the building block of muscles, so if you’re struggling to get your daily requirement from food, protein supplements should be on your list.


  • Amino Acids

There are many types of amino acids used for muscle building, but they can all help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, and prevent muscle wasting. 


Primarily, they’re divided into two groups: essential and non-essential. Non-essential amino acids are the ones our body can synthesize on its own, unlike essential amino acids, which we can only get from exogenous sources like food and supplements. 


The best amino acid supplements for muscle growth usually have a combination of different amino acids. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) and metabolites like Beta-Hydroxy-Beta-Methylbutyrate (HMB) are also popular choices.


  • Testosterone Boosters

Endogenous testosterone in the body stimulates protein synthesis and promotes muscle regeneration. So, for those having a hard time growing muscles because of low testosterone levels, natural supplements that boost testosterone levels are an option. 


Natural testosterone supplements are usually made from ashwagandha, fenugreek, or D-aspartic acid. They can also be used by women but only in smaller amounts and must be guided by a physician.


  • Creatine

An endogenous molecule in the human body, natural creatine provides energy specific to the skeletal muscles. Creatine supplementation is shown to be beneficial in enhancing performance and strength during exercise, which can help you maintain the consistency you need to increase muscle mass.


  • Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs)

PUFAs or healthy fats like Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. However, most people aren’t aware that they’re also helpful in protein metabolism and can improve muscle function.


Other Supplements

You may also see certain types of steroids and SARMs sold as bodybuilding supplements. However, since they’re yet to be approved by the FDA, most of them can only be sold as experimental drugs and not for human consumption. 

If you’re curious, check out this SARMs guide to learn more about how they work.


How to Choose the Best Supplements for Muscle Growth

Products marketed as dietary supplements are NOT regulated as strictly as prescription drugs so you won’t find FDA approvals for them. This means you have to be smarter when shopping around to make sure you’re not buying products with questionable quality. 


Here’s a list of what you can do as a precaution:

  1. Choose supplements with trusted third-party testing and certifications to ensure the purity of ingredients.
  2. Talk to a healthcare professional to figure out the best type of supplements and dosages for your fitness goals.
  3. Consider your age and gender when choosing supplements. For example, older age groups will benefit more from amino acids than proteins. Some supplements may also be formulated for specific gender groups.



Tips for Muscle Growth

To get the most out of the supplements you choose to take, here are some useful tips to keep in mind:

  • Time your meals and supplement intake so they’re distributed evenly throughout the day
  • Do not train with a full stomach, eat easy-to-digest foods before working out
  • Maintain hydration during workout sessions
  • Do not overwork muscles as they’ll only lead to injuries
  • Plan healthy post-workout meals that can help with muscle recovery
  • Allow ample time for recovery in between sessions
  • Improve your sleep quality, it’s an important part of the recovery period
  • Be consistent with your routine



Supplements for muscle growth are NOT recommended for adolescents and young adults, as they’re more likely to experience severe adverse reactions.


If you’re an athlete, check with your advisor or a sports nutritionist to make sure you’re not taking supplements with banned substances.  


Dietary supplements are as it says, simply supplements. They are NOT meant to replace proper food intake, so maintaining a balanced diet should still be a priority on top of taking supplements. 



Growing and Maintaining Muscles with Supplements

Despite all the promising benefits and supporting studies, one should never depend on supplements to grow muscles. More studies still need to be done to truly understand the long-term effects of these dietary supplements. 


As a precaution, seek your doctor’s advice if you plan to take one. Most importantly,  work on maintaining a healthy lifestyle regardless of your fitness goals. 

