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Currently, in the world of bodybuilding and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), there have been tons of arguments whether MK677 is better or worse than standard growth hormone when it comes to building muscle, losing fat, and improving your physique.
In this article we will compare both and come to a conclusion on which one is better, once and for all.
What is Growth Hormone?
Growth Hormone or GH is a naturally occuring peptide that plays a major role in numerous biological processes including growth and development, metabolism regulation, cell repair, bone health, immune system support, and more.
On the other hand, the standard growth hormone used as injectables is either synthetic or derived from exogenous sources. They are commonly used to raise growth hormone levels to achieve specific results.
Although GH is more popular in the bodybuilding world — particularly to increase fat loss, enhance muscle building, and to improve sleep — it’s also useful in the medical field.
Medically, It is used as a treatment option for a wide variety of disorders including growth hormone deficiency, muscle wasting diseases, short bowel syndrome, AIDS, and more.
Growth Hormone: Benefits and Side Effects
As with any other compound, using growth hormones come with both benefits and unwanted effects — mostly depending on how you use them.
Benefits of Growth Hormones
Growth Hormone offers many benefits for enhanced bodybuilding. Here are the benefits you can expect when using GH for bodybuilding:
Increase in Muscular Hyperplasia
From a standpoint of hyperplasia (the division and multiplication of cells, not to be mistaken with hypertrophy) on muscles, it is highly potent. This is because GH directly stimulates hyperplasia or cell production, which can also lead to bigger muscles.
Robust Muscle Size and Better Pumps
GH can contribute to muscle size and fullness like no other, as it is one of the best mass muscle builders a bodybuilder can use. The pumps you can get while on growth hormone are insane and out of this world.
Faster Results
Taking supplementary growth hormones help to speed up muscle growth. So within 2-3 weeks of starting growth hormone, you’ll likely start noticing your physique morphing before your very eyes.
Better Fat Loss
It is also great for fat loss as its ability to induce lipolysis is nearly unmatched. Some users of growth hormone have reported being able to eat whatever they wanted and still lose weight.
Stress Reduction
Growth hormone is also excellent at lowering the levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can help you feel more relaxed. Most PEDs tend to make users feel more sympathetic and stressed, but the use of GH can help counter that effect.
Improved Skin and Hair Health
Growth Hormone is amazing for your skin, hair, and nails. Many have noticed glowing skin and much better hair thickness while on growth hormones.

Side Effects of Growth Hormone
These are the unwanted effects that may occur when using Growth Hormone:
Increase in Blood Glucose Levels
Increased blood glucose levels is perhaps the most common effect of using GH. The good news is this can be mediated by proper diet, using Metformin, or adding helpful supplements like Berberine to your routine.
Higher Prolactin Levels
Growth hormone can also raise prolactin levels, which can lead to hormonal imbalance. However, this can be combated by a dopamine agonist like Cabergoline or Pramipexole.
Aggravation of Existing Cancer
One serious side effect of growth hormone is it can speed up the growth of existing cancer and make it worse. So if you have family history of cancer, it is best to consult your doctor first before taking GH.
Growth Hormone can also cause side effects like bloating which can be easily mitigated by balancing water and electrolyte ratios.
What is Mk677?
Unlike Growth Hormone, MK677 is a growth hormone secretagogue (GHS) which stimulates the production of more growth hormones. This means it can make the body create of the growth hormone itself.
Think of MK677 like a testosterone booster (but for growth hormone), and using growth hormone being like injecting with testosterone itself.
Mk677 stimulates the production of growth hormone by agonizing the ghrelin receptors. Ghrelin — as the body’s hunger hormone — is also a key hormone in the production of growth hormone.
MK677: Benefits and Side Effects
MK677 has a very similar profile to standard GH when it comes to side effects and benefits.
However, it’s worth noting that since MK677’s mechanism makes the body produce more growth hormone, its effects get capped off at around 40mg.
MK677 is also an appetite stimulator. Now, for some people who struggle to eat, this can be a good thing. On the contrary, if you’re trying to lose weight, this won’t be in your favor.
Mk677 Benefits
Mk677, just like GH, can be great for building muscles and burning fat faster. It has also been shown to help increase REM sleep. Here are the benefits you can get from MK677 as a bodybuilder:
Better Muscle Pumps
Mk677 can give some of the most insane pumps in the gym.
Faster Recovery
It can also help facilitate better recovery from your workouts, which can help both your muscle growth and energy levels.
Oral Bioavailability
As opposed to standard growth hormone that needs to be injected, MK677 can be taken orally, which is more convenient.
Bone Density Improvement
Healthy bones contribute to good musculoskeletal strength in bodybuilding. Studies have shown that MK677 can improve the formation, resorption, and density of bones.
Most of the benefits that you get with GH, you’ll also get from MK677 since it stimulates the production of growth hormone itself.
Mk677 Side Effects
Mk677 tends to also carry side effects similar to growth hormone.
High Blood Glucose
It should be noted that MK677 does raise blood glucose much more than regular growth hormone, hence why it is called “diabetes in a bottle.” If you have a predisposition to diabetes, discussing options with your doctor is a good start.
Increase in Prolactin Levels
MK677 will also raise prolactin levels, which, as mentioned earlier, may cause hormonal imbalance.
Feelings of Anxiety
The key difference in side effects is that MK677 can raise anxiety and fear response. This is because MK677 works by increasing ghrelin, which is a stressor hormone. This is opposed to the effects of growth hormone, which lowers cortisol.
Growth Hormone vs Mk677: Which is Better for You?
Now that we understand both, we can start discussing which of the two will be best for you.
If you are someone who wants a compound that is easier to use, does not have to be injected, and easier to find and source, then MK677 is for you.
Just keep in mind that while on paper it should be slightly better than Growth Hormone, it comes with more side effects for less benefits. It raises blood glucose more, causes more lethargy, and more bloating than standard growth hormone.
Standard Growth Hormone, while a bit more expensive, harder to find, and harder to use, is in my opinion still superior to MK677 as you get more benefits with less side effects. I also really like the fact that growth hormone can help to lower my cortisol whereas MK677 makes me more stressed.
It should be noted that this is just my opinion and many people prefer MK677 over growth hormone due to its better price point, ease of use, and the fact that it is easier to source.
My Experience with GH and MK677
Now, I have used both MK677 and Growth Hormone.
I have used MK677 from 10-30mg and Growth Hormone form 2-6 IUs.
When I used MK677, I got great pumps, definitely better muscle building, and better fat loss. The issue with it is that it gave me an insane amount of hunger, lethargy, and bloating. At the lower doses these effects were less bad but as I raised the dose, they became more pronounced. While I did love the compound and my sleep was better, the hunger was just too much for me.
With Growth Hormone, I noticed that I got really good effects at a lower dosage with less side effects. While the higher doses did carry with it side effects like bloating, and lethargy, I noticed that was only at higher doses around 5 IUs and above.
While I do like how easy MK677 is to use, I really prefer growth hormone.
Where to Find MK677
If you are looking for high quality MK677 or GH peptides, you can find them at any of Wolf of Biohacking’s certified sources. We only certify sources that we have personally tested ourselves, and can verify the products they sell are clean, pure, and actually contain what they say.
Our go to source for these is Modern Aminos. You can use code Wolf10 to save 10% on your order.
In conclusion, MK677 and growth hormone are two great compounds that can be amazing for helping you achieve your bodybuilding and gym goals.
If you are looking for something easier to use and more accessible to buy then MK677 is the better option.
But if you’re willing spend more and do not mind injections, then you can roll with the regular Growth Hormone.
Ultimately, it will come down to your preference when it comes to accessibility and ease of use, your health history, and how fast you want to see results.
Thank you friends, take care and have a good one.