The Ultimate Guide to BPC-157: Doses, Side Effects, Benefits, and More!

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What is BPC-157?

BPC-157 aka Body Protective Compound 157 is a synthetic peptide that has shown great potential in healing the body in incredible ways.  


BPC-157 comes from a protein found in the gastric juice of humans.  Through studies and clinical research, it has demonstrated amazing regenerative abilities, which is what made it popular within the research chemical space. 


In this article, we’ll discuss how this powerful healing compound works, its benefits, side effects, and proper dosing for maximum benefits.

How Does BPC-157 Work in the Body?

BPC-157 does its job through a wide variety of mechanisms, primarily through angiogenesis.


Angiogenesis, simply put, is the development of new blood vessels in the body.  


While this may sound like a simple process, in actuality, it is quite complex. It’s also a cornerstone process when it comes to proper healing within the body as it increases the amount of blood flow to the site of tissue damage.


BPC-157 also exerts strong anti-inflammatory effects, which of course enhances its ability to accelerate healing and regeneration. 


Despite standard beliefs, BPC-157’s therapeutic properties do not stop at just healing injuries. It’s also highly beneficial in restoring the health of other internal organs like the gut, brain, liver, and heart. 

This peptide holds great potential in regenerative medicine.

BPC-157 aka Body Protective Compound 157 is a synthetic peptide that has shown great potential in healing the body in incredible ways.  


BPC-157 comes from a protein found in the gastric juice of humans.  Through studies and clinical research, it has demonstrated amazing regenerative abilities, which is what made it popular within the research chemical space. 


In this article, we’ll discuss how this powerful healing compound works, its benefits, side effects, and proper dosing for maximum benefits.

Benefits of BPC-157

BPC-157 has tons of benefits and therapeutic effects that barely get mentioned so let’s try and dive into all the amazing healing that BPC-157 can do.


Healing Physical Injuries

BPC-157 is one of the most effective peptides when it comes to hastening the healing process. 


Whether you tweak your elbow playing tennis, hurt your knee playing basketball, or sprain your finger — BPC-157 can significantly speed up the healing process of all sorts of physical injuries. 


It has been proven to be especially valuable for many athletes looking to get back to playing faster after sustaining an injury.


Many users have noted that BPC-157 can cut the recovery process in half and get them healed up faster than they’ve ever experienced before.   


Enhancing Muscle Recovery

Even athletes who are not hurt, but have noticed that their recovery process from training is slower before, have also been able to benefit from BPC-157. 


BPC-157 helps athletes recover better from their intense training, which also improves their capacity to handle a higher training volume.


Reducing Scar Tissue Formation

Several studies have also shown how BPC-157 can help heal the skin.  For one, people who struggle with acne scarring can benefit from BPC-157 as it can reduce scar formation. 

Using BPC-157 can accelerate healing in all types of skin injuries.  

Even patients who have suffered from burns have found that using BPC-157 can heal their wounds better. This was first observed in
clinical studies that used topical BPC-157 on chemical burns and wounds from direct flame exposure. 

This wound healing and scar reduction process can be attrributed to BPC-157’s ability to stimulate collagen production. 

Improving Gut Health

One of BPC-157s primary effects in the body is healing the gut. It has a multitude of benefits for gut health from repairing the intestinal lining and healing ulcers to maintaining gastric integrity, and more. 

While many people look to probiotics to help with their gut issues, BPC-157 is an alternative worth looking at for more serious issues. 

Accelerating Recovery from Brain Injuries

BPC-157 has also shown in clinical research how it can help the brain recover from certain injuries. 


On top of that, BPC-157 is also neuroprotective. It can help support the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain like dopamine, which is also a hormone that helps maintain mental health.

Maintaining Liver Health

This is something that rarely gets referenced with BPC-157. 


In clinical literature, BPC-157 has been shown to be instrumental in healing the liver and protecting it from damage. 

While not commonly talked about, it may fit in well with a liver protection stack. 

Restoring Heart Health

Finally, BPC-157 has been shown to be effective in helping heal and protect the heart in at least one study conducted on early rat models. 

When cardiac injuries occur, recovering normal heart function can be difficult, but BPC-157 has shown in early studies that it can help improve heart health by repairing its muscles and blood vessels.

Side Effects of BPC-157

BPC-157 has been shown to have minimal side effects.  While more research is still needed, BPC-157 is mostly well tolerated by people. 


Here are few possible side effects that can occur when using BPC-157:


Anhedonia — the reduced ability to feel pleasure — is not that common, but has been noted by various people who have used BPC-157. However, it was suggested that they were possibly using other compounds too when this side effect was observed, which should be noted.

Cancer Growth

While BPC-157 does not cause cancer directly,  the way it works in the body (angiogenesis) has been shown to be associated with faster growth of certain cancers. 

Injection Site Pain

Some people have reported pain and discomfort on injection site after using BPC-157. This is a common occurence with most injectable drugs, and typically disappears in a few days.

How BPC-157 Can Be Taken

BPC-157 can be taken in many different ways. But despite what people say online, no route of administration renders the compound useless. It’s simply a case of one method being more effective than the others for specific issues.


Here are all the ways it can be taken and the conditions or concerns they’re ideal for:

Injectable BPC-157: This form is best for healing site-specific injuries like an elbow or knee injury.

Topical BPC-157: This form is best for healing skin issues like acne scars or burns.

Oral BPC-157: This form is best for controlling inflammation and addressing issues in the gut and brain.

Nasal BPC-157: This form is best for the brain and for inflammation.

BPC-157 Dosing

Here are a few dosing protocols beginners can use a reference.  While everyone has their own preferences based on their needs, here are a few standard ones that can be used as a guide.

Injectable BPC-157 Dosing Protocol

Frequency: Once daily for 3-6 weeks

Dosing: Begin dosing at around a range of 2-3mcg per KG of body weight. Assess how you’re recovering from the injury. If recovery is stalled, raise the dosage by around 100-200mcg. I would not go higher than 1mg per day, but if your injury is very severe, then there may be an argument for that.  Once your injury starts to heal, you can keep your dose constant, then drop back to a maintenance dosage for a few weeks until your injury fully clears up.

Oral BPC-157 Dosing Protocol

Frequency: Once daily for 4-8 weeks

Dosing: 500mcg to 1mg once per day until gut or brain issues resolve. 

Where to Find BPC-157

If you’re interested in this powerful healing compound, you can find it from one of our trusted vendors today. 

Here at Wolf of Biohacking we rigorously test products and validate our vendors for quality and legitimacy. Our go to source for BPC-157 whether oral or injectable is Modern Aminos

You can use code wolf10 to save. Click the link
here to find it. 


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