How to Use Peptides For Muscle Growth

Peptides are strings of amino acid molecules, which are the building blocks of protein. Protein, as we all know, is the major molecule responsible for cellular function and biological processes in all living organisms.  


Although peptides are naturally occurring in the human body and can also be sourced from certain food items, they can also be developed in laboratories. These manufactured peptides have countless applications. They’re used in medicines, dietary supplements, skin care products, and more. But in the world of fitness, peptides are a popular choice for bodybuilders.


How do peptides work in muscles?


What’s the best way to use them to improve muscle mass?


What’s the FDA’s stance on peptides for muscles? 


Keep reading to find out. 


Peptides in the Human Body

Peptides work differently depending on where they’re found in the body and what they do. For example, neuropeptides like dopamine and serotonin are found in the brain and help regulate nerve cell function. Antimicrobial peptides, on the other hand, are part of the immune system and work to ward off pathogens.


For the most part, peptides help regulate the following processes in the human body:

  • Cellular communication
  • DNA repair
  • Chemical signal transmission
  • Hormonal balance
  • Immunomodulation
  • Digestive health
  • Sleep quality
  • Wound healing

These are just some of the many functions of peptides in the human body. As a precursor to protein, peptides are vital in keeping a balance among all bodily processes.


However, in many cases, the body does not produce enough, usually due to a poor diet, aging, or a disease process. When this happens, supplementation of specific peptides will be helpful.


peptide molecules



What Are Peptides for Muscle Growth?

There’s a virtually infinite number of commercial uses for peptides. These are either derived from plant and animal sources or synthesized in labs. From pharmacological drugs to beauty products, you’ll find different types of peptides as a popular ingredient.


For bodybuilders, peptides known as Growth Hormone Secretagogues (GHS) have been a go-to supplement for probably decades now. 



Growth hormone-releasing peptides increase the frequency of release of growth hormones. Here are the most common types used in bodybuilding:


Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormones (GHRHs)

These are naturally produced in the hypothalamus but can be synthesized in laboratories too; they stimulate the pituitary gland to synthesize and secrete more growth hormones.


Grehlins and similar compounds

Also known as the hunger hormone, grehlin is produced mainly in the stomach and stimulates growth hormone release too like GHRHs and GHRPs.


Most bodybuilders use any of these as oral peptides for muscle growth, but injectable peptides for muscle growth are also common.


So, how do peptides work on the muscles?


Natural and synthetic peptides work in different ways but produce the same results:  muscle growth. Primarily, they stimulate the release of growth hormones and may trigger muscle hypertrophy. Some may also block myostatin activity, which is known to inhibit muscle growth.


Who Is It For?

For those who have been working out but feel like it’s taking too long to see noticeable results, either because of older age or they’re stuck on a plateau; anyone who just wants to gain muscle mass faster and improve performancepeptides can be the answer. 


Supplementation is also a good way to get more peptides without the extra calories you’ll get when trying to get them from food.



Aside from aiding muscle growth, peptide supplements for muscles are also beneficial in these aspects:

  • Fat reduction
  • Post-workout recovery
  • Promotion of a faster healing process
  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Production of collagen and elastin
  • Lowering cortisol levels (stress hormones)
  • Improving immunity
  • Appetite suppression


Side Effects

If you’re using peptides to improve muscle growth, there are also possible side effects and risks to watch out for:

  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Fluid retention
  • Increase in hunger
  • Irritation and discomfort on the site of injection
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • High blood sugar
  • Acromegaly (overgrowth)


These effects depend on the type and dosage of peptides taken. To avoid experiencing serious side effects, work with a healthcare professional when taking peptides for muscle growth.


The Best Peptides for Muscle Growth

There are different types of peptides you can choose from to build muscle mass faster. Some are better at fat reduction while others provide more energy. Nonetheless, most of them are multitaskers, so you can get several benefits from just one peptide.

Best Peptide for Lean Muscle Mass 

Action & Benefits:stimulates natural growth hormones to promote new muscle growth and improve mass; can target abdominal fat reduction, increase metabolism, skin elasticity, and enhance muscle contour
Potential Side Effects:sleep problems, rashes, night sweats, muscle spasms
FDA Approval status: approved 


Best Peptide for Fat Metabolism

Action & Benefits:one of the safest peptides for muscle growth; works similarly to Tesamorelin; promotes new muscle growth and aids in weight loss; anti-aging, improves immunity, metabolism, and energy; may help improve quality of sleep
Potential Side Effects:weight gain
FDA Approval status:  approved


Best Peptide for Healing and Recovery

BPC-157 (Body Protective Compound)
Action & Benefits:accelerates healing and recovery; improves lean muscle mass, stimulates tendon and ligament growth, endurance

cognitive, reduces anxiety

Potential Side Effects:dizziness, nausea, hot/cold flashes, mood swings, blood pressure level fluctuations, 
FDA Approval status: for experimental use only


Best Peptide for Reducing Inflammation


TB-500 (Thymosin Beta-4)
Action & Benefits:promotes tissue repair and speeds up healing time; stimulates muscle growth and production of new blood cells;  improves post-workout recovery time 
Potential Side Effects:light-headedness, dizziness, headaches, lethargy
FDA Approval status: for experimental use only


Other Noteworthy Peptides for Muscle Building

  • CJC-1295 + DAC
  • Ibutamoren / MK-677
  • Hexarelin 
  • Follistatin



Although most peptides for muscle growth are generally safe to use, they’re either not approved or banned by the FDA for different reasons. Commonly, it’s because of insufficient clinical trials, safety concerns, and because most evidence are only anecdotal from actual users. In most cases, purchasing them is only legal for research use and not for human consumption.


But regardless of FDA approval, taking supplements always requires caution. 


Safe Use

  1. Consult your doctor before using any peptide supplement, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or are taking other drugs.
  2. Work with a healthcare professional to find the best peptide and the correct dosage for your unique needs.
  3. Only buy from reputable suppliers to avoid counterfeit or contaminated products.

The best and safest way to use peptides for muscle growth is with the guidance of an experienced healthcare professional. They can recommend the safest route and dosage for the appropriate peptides that match your health profile. If you experience unwanted effects, they can also jump on it before it gets out of hand.

Navigating Regulations on Peptide Use for Muscle Growth

FDA bans or limits the sale of peptides with prohibited or restricted ingredients. However, government regulations change from time to time. Previously approved products may be discontinued by the FDA depending on the results of newer studies.


With this changing landscape, it’s important to stay updated for your safety. If you’re still unsure how to navigate changes in regulations, speak to a healthcare professional. 


The Bottom Line

Although peptides for muscles are designed to mimic and support natural processes in the human body, using them incorrectly can lead to serious hazards. Current studies are also varied as while some results seem promising, some are also inconclusive and may even be conflicting. The only way to guarantee safe personal use is to choose FDA-approved peptides and seek guidance from a healthcare professional.



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